Meaning of E.F.R
There is a saying in the west that a person can never take a bath in the same river twice. This saying suggests the nature of rivers as never ceasing and ever flowing. Our Group of Companies had adopted this name at the auspicious occasion of incorporating our company to signify that just as rivers never cease to flow towards the ocean our group of companies will also be flowing towards continued, sustained and unhindered success and achievement.
E.F.R's listing on YSX
The first listing day program of Ever Flow River Group Public Co., Ltd. (EFR) was successfully held, with compliance of COVID-19 Guidelines of Government, at YSX building at 9:30 a.m. on 28th May 2020 (Thursday) and its share trading was started at the same time.
Our Business
Under the umbrella of Total Logistics Services Division there are 20 semi-autonomous Strategic Business Units each under the direct control of EFR Group of Companies Co., Ltd. This group is the largest provider of logistics services which are vital for the economic development of Myanmar.
Under Trading Division there is only one subsidizing strategic business unit which is the EFR Trading Co., Ltd. This company performs the dual functions of trading as well as trade financing.
To catch up with the fast growing Myanmar market and increasing number of potential customers, there become in need of special handlings and arrangements for the customer’s orders.
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